Kedi Constilease Capsule Kedi Constilease Capsule in brief: Effective for constipation It's a great Kedi product for fighting bacteria Helps to reduce acne, pigmentation and halitosis To prevent internal hemorrhoid, use Kedi Constilease Capsule. Cassia seed in Kedi Constilease Capsule is a frequently used traditional Chinese herb first documented in Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic for its effects of liver detoxification, vision improvement, dispelling of the wind-evil, dissipating heat, and bowel relaxation Active Ingredients in Kedi Constilease Capsule: Semen Cassiae 100mg Semen Pruni 25mg Poria 20mg Rhizoma Diosscoreae 20mg Semen Sesame Nigrum 20mg Semen Raphani 15mg This Kedi product also promotes urination and reduces edema (random swelling of the feet after sitting or standing for a while). Entering meridians: large intestine, small intestine and spleen. Rhizoma Dioscoreae Nipponicae (RDN) is a widely used traditional Chinese herb, which is used to t...